The "N" Word
“Why It’s So Hard To Talk About the N-Word,”
Historian Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor leads a thoughtful and history-backed examination of one of the most divisive words in the English language: the N-word.
"Black" Student Voices
Limited Classroom Discussions on Race:
Education Week spoke with 10 Black high school students from across the country about how they think issues of race and racism should be handled in school
Race Matters
Race Matters: America in Crisis, A PBS NewsHour Special
America in Crisis concerning Race. PBS NewsHour believes beginning the conversation by listening to black Americans is key to the next step forward.
Black Race Brutality Roots
Understanding the Racist Roots of Police Violence
Black communities have never had a reason to trust in the police. It's a difficult problem to tackle and much work needs to be done, but understanding the roots of the racial injustice in our system is a crucial first step
The Look
Racial inequality and discriminatory acts.
Historical references and contemporary approach, highlighting the bias experience black men face in America.
Love | Hate
How can humans be so compassionate and altruistic -- and also so brutal and violent? Neuroscientist Dr. Robert Sapolsky shares his cutting-edge research into the biology that drives our worst and best behaviors.
The Audacious Project
Making Racism a Solvable Problem
When we define racism as behaviors instead of feelings, we can measure it -- and transform it from an impossible problem into a solvable one, says justice scientist Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff.
The insidious and destructive mindset of discrimination
When Chika Okoro read the casting call for one of her favorite films, she noticed that actresses with darker skin were assigned lesser roles —prompting her to address a phenomenon she'd experienced all her life: colorism.